Benefits of Pre-School Education in Australia

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Benefits of Pre-School Education in Australia

26 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

As a parent, having a newborn is an exciting experience, and you spend the next few years pampering your child with love and affection. However, when confronted with the prospect of preschool, many parents cannot tolerate the idea of leaving their child out of their sight for a few hours. Studies have shown the many benefits of preschool to a child's growth and development. Here are some of the benefits of taking your child to preschool.

Learning and Development

Neuroscience has proven that the early years of your child's life are crucial for learning and development. Taking your child to preschool has positive long- and short-term effects not only in the country but also across the world. Children who go to preschool perform better in higher education and their adulthood careers.

Studies have shown that the play-based teaching programs in early childhood institutions improve a child's learning and development processes and are critical for disadvantaged children. This is one of the reasons why school outcomes in the country can be improved by increasing the accessibility of preschool for children. Currently, Australia has a low ranking in terms of investing in early childhood education and enrolment rates for children below the age of three years.

Emotional Resilience

Preschool empowers children to gain social skills that help them engage in healthy relationships. Children do not only learn how to relate with other children but also how to share, listen to others, take turns and express their ideas. As children grow older, they rely on these skills to form friendships that shape their future.

Social skills go hand in hand with emotional resilience. When a child knows how to relate with others, they also learn how to control their emotions. For example, a child can exercise restraint when they are offended instead of crying.

Good Habits

Children respond well to daily routines. They develop healthy habits like washing their hands and brushing their teeth. Children are also less agitated when they know what to expect. In time, they begin to take charge of daily routines like packing their bags and getting dressed without supervision.

Educators know the exact skills a child should develop and apply various techniques to help them use these skills in a structured environment. When children develop good habits, they are easier to deal with at home. Parents have an easier time performing chores and entertaining guests without worrying about their children.

For more information, reach out to a local preschool.